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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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noble, anyone? bueller? what julie ann moore should have done, thanked sarah palin for her service, that would have been magnanimous. word of the day magnanimous, a tip, whenever things are going your way, be generous in your comments. and that's it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website, which is different from also, we would like you to spout out about the factor from anywhere in the world. o' anytime you wish to opine. word of the day do not be tangta tendentious and she should be magnanimous.
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a positive and a negative. and incorporate both into the presentation. i'm bill o'reilly, please remember the spin stops here and we'll definitely be looking out for you. ♪ >> welcome to "hannity" now. earlier today president obama held the last press conference of his first term and it was in some respects a nearly perfect encapslation of a what a reckless and irresponsible and fundamentally dishonest man that he is. we'll start by taking a look at the press conference. what it showed about president obama and there are, i think, three points we can take away from this. now, the first, it has to do with hypocrisy. throughout the press conference, obama blasted republicans, who want to tie the debt ceiling to cutting spending and obama says blow up the economy and risk the full faith and credit of the united states and to do so is
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irresponsible, the consequences of not paying our bill would be disastrous. the charges went on and on and on and made it sound like only an anarchist would oppose raising the debt ceiling. listen to this: . >> what i will not do is to have that negotiation with a gun at the head of the american people, the threat that unless we get our way, unless you gut medicare or medicaid or otherwise slash things that the american people don't believe should be slashed, that we're going to threaten to wreck the entire economy. look, i don't think anybody would consider my position unreasonable here. democrats don't like voting for the debt ceiling when the republican's president, but you never saw the situation in which democrats suggested somehow that we would go ahead and default if we didn't get
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100% of our way, that's just not how it's supposed to work. >> sean: hearing that i can't help, but be reminded of obama's record on the debt ceiling, obama himself in 2006 when he was a junior senator from illinois who opposed raising the debt ceiling. that's right, barack obama, america's lecturer in chief scolding republicans for linking to the debt ceiling. here is what the anointed one said in march of 2006 leadership means the buck stops here, instead washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today on the backs of our children and grandchildren. america has a debt and a failure of leadership. americans deserve better i therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase america's debt limit. obama as senator did precisely what he's saying should not be done. but obama being obama and doing so, well, he's demonstrating his insufferable moral superiority. the second trait we saw from obama during his press
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conference, his demagoguery was on display, he said that republicans were suspicious about social security and government support for the elderly and spending money on medical research and then get this, suspicious about programs a, making sure that kids and poverty are getting enough to eat. this is not only deeply dishonest, it's a gross distortion, a lecture coming from a man who is responsible for a massive increase in poverty during his presidency. now, a third thing we saw from obama's press conference was how deeply misleading his facts and his claims are. for example, obama kept saying his plan would cut 4 trillion dollars in the budget in the next decade, but that claim is utterly untrue. as any number of fact checkers have pointed out the 4 trillion dollar figure comes from number one, it counts 1 trillion in cuts and reached a year ago in the budget negotiations with congress, meaning those savings are already in the bank. number two, it counts 800 billion dollars in savings and debt payments from lower deficits, as a spending cut. that's a dubious claim. number three, obama is
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counting a nearly 1 trillion dollar savings from more money than nobody expected to be spent anyway, now that the war in iraq is over and the afghanistan war is winding down. so, obama's entire premise that we need a balanced approach to cutting the deficit is based on a huge fiction which is that obama's plan will cut 4 trillion during the the next decade. it will do no such thing. he's basing on a falsity, just like day one when he's been in office, distort and pr propgandize. now, republicans need to understand all of this dealing with obama. they're dealing with a man who is reckless, ruthless as any president they will ever encounter and my next guest says he has a plan that mr. bolster the republicans hand when it comes to dealing with the democrats on the issue of debt and much more. ohio senator rob portman is
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here. and what do you make of obama, only 2006 a vote against the debt ceiling. >> it went further than that. he said it would be unpatriotic. >> sean: that's another, i actually have that clip. you want to see it. >> sure. >> sean: let's show the videotape. >> the problem is, is that the way bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the bank of china in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from 5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents, number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man, woman and child. that's irresponsible. it's unpatriotic. >> sean: now at 16 trillion and $52,000 for every man, woman and child without
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unfunded liability. >> i posted 6 trillion dollars ago actually. another thing that he said, sean, i think is equally important, this means republicans don't want to pay our bills. i think he's missing the point entirely. it's not about not paying our bills, it's about changing what the bills are going forward. it's sort of like, you know, you have a kid to exceeds the credit card limit. the first thing you do is tear up the credit card and then spending, republicans are willing to pay for past bills, this is about future bills, and i think what the president is missing the point here, we are on an unsustainable path now. he talked about that generally, but with the republicans seemed to forget it. finally he said it's unrealistic to tie the debt limit to deficit reduction and he says it's always been separate. that's just not factually accurate. >> sean: last 30 years, every deal is tied. last 30 years, only has been tied to the debt limit. graham rudman, the budget control act and the reason
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we've been talking about sequestration is because of a debt limit discussion. in fact, this is an appropriate time to raise the issue and said that people voted for him because they wanted to increase the debt limit. i don't think so. the polling shows that people want us to get the spending under control. >> sean: for one brief hour today the obama media which did not do a good job, from my estimation during the campaign, they kind of woke up and challenged him and he was very angry, especially on the hypocrisy what he did in 2006. how would you deal with a president that's very good at politics, demonizing and pushing republicans into a corner? what's the best strategy to deal with it. >> i agree with you, i thought the press conference was interesting because you had reporters saying wait a minute, you said just the opposite, 6 trillion dollars ago, but they also said the point we just made a second ago, why are you saying it's always been separate and it's not relevant to the debt limit when in fact deficit reduction has been tied to it time and time again. that's what we have to do point out the facts to the american people.
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i know we lost the election and he is our president, but it's also true that even the exit polling that very day when people asked not by plurality, but majority, government is too big. don't think that government is too small. when asked, three quarters of americans say spending is the problem not revenue. so people are receptive to our message, sean, we've got to get it out there and know what the facts are. $130,000 per family what the de debt. irresponsible today talking about republicans wanting to gut medicare and social security? we want to save and preserve for the future. he also said that we want to slash spending, no, it's about how much spending increase you have over the next ten years, the next 20 years. so, i think when we take this to the american people, we have a great opportunity. >> sean: let me ask you, you're going to have to vote on a couple of nominees, hagel, lew, kerry, any problems from your perspective for any of them? >> yeah, we have to ask the tough questions. with regard to chuck hagel in particular, on a bipartisan
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basis, there's some deep concerns about the positions he's held. about what he has said. i was on the armed services committee until recently and asking questions in committees, but i am going to put forward some questions, as will others. i'm very concerned. jack lew, look, we need to talk about-- >> going to have a deficit last year. >> yeah, well, we need to talk-- i'm a former budget director as he is, so we've shared that, i guess, but we have to talk about whether we're really going to do something on the debt and deficit and look, it's good that we're going to talk about the part of spending that congress appropriates the next few years, a discussion on sequestration and a discussion on the budget, all that's going to happen whether the president wants to or not, but talk about the biggest part of the spending and fastest growing of the spending, on autopilot, medicare, medicaid, social security, but are not sustainable in their current form. that's are the questions i'm going to ask jack lew. >> sean: senator, welcome to
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the studio. coming up, only a matter of time until one of the gun owners outed by the journal news was targeted. and also, colin powell says he's a republican and we'll remind him why his declarations are baseless and time to stop giving president obama a constant pass and ann coulter will stop by and much to coulter will stop by and much to more as "hannity" continues. n surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lin grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief.
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rooms, they use hotwire so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> and tonight, according to reports, vice-president joe biden told a group of house democrats there are 19 executive orders that president obama could invoke when it comes to gun control. so while the white house prepares to abuse its executive powers there's growing evidence of dangerous impact of premature anti-gun measures because days after a local newspaper in york, the journal news released the names and addresses of gun owners one of the owners on the list has in fact been targeted. accord to go a report at least
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two burglars broke into a home in white plains, new york on saturday night and they tampered with the gun safe, but luckily the not able to get into it. now the white plains police commissioner says he cannot confirm that the attempted robbery had any connection to the map put out by the journal news, but the evidence sure points to that and police say they've not made an arrest. joining me with reaction to the putnam county executive, the one who refuse today release to the journal news, the addresses of residents, mary odell and bo dietl. bo, you're an investigator seems connected. the very thing i was warning about. >> this incident happened, but the funny thing is, you know, these things come and they're going to last. and people know it's news worthy now and they're going to go online and they are he' going to know to watch that house and when the person leaves they're going to know there's a weapon in that howls.howl
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house. the liberal news media blows it up. there are things happening in this country, but for some reason it doesn't make the story of the night. like an incident in internet cafe who stopped the stickup with a licensed gun. in the movie theater where a female retired police officer shot someone who was shooting up the theater. why isn't that the headlines? you know why it's not? because our news media has now up on top of bo president obama and the good county executive. this is what we need in this country. >> sean: okay. let me show he both of you something because i think this is really important. one of the things that bothered me is the hypocrisy issue. for example, our politicians, our presidents, our mayors have armed guards. hollywood stars have armed guards and a lot of them travel around in private jets. we protect our money with armed guards. suggest it for schools, wow, we can't get the same thing for our children. listen to diane wine feinstein,
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and when her life was in jeopardy, protect her right and listen to this. >> i know the sense of helplessness that people feel. i know the urge to arm yourself because that's what i did. i was trained in firearms, i walked to the husband was sick, i carried a concealed weapon. i made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, i was going to take them with me. >> sean: by the way, right thing to do, she was threatened, i protect her right. now, in new york, where we live, you might get seven bullets you better be as good a shot as bo. >> you talk about hypocrisy, catching a little of the golden globes last night how about privacy, that big shout out about privacy last night, which is really what we're talking about-- >> by jody foster. >> i thought she was right. >> it's funny, you hit a real point.
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you know, if you look at texas, different areas in texas, different school districts, they have allowed teachers fully trained to come in with a concealed weapon. i go everywhere with my glock .26. i'm going to tell you does that mean i'm going to shoot the place up? no, it means i'm a person who is responsible and you responsibly train someone. have a teacher with a concealed weapon, that's not a problem. the kids know if they go looney tuny, and a guy in the school, little children helpless. >> sean: throw this out. the case of the woman in georgia, two nine-year-old twins, the guy breaks in with a crowbar and goes up in the crawl space of her house on the phone with her husband and we played the 911 call, and she only had five shots in the gun. under those circumstances, i assume the average person is shaking and may need more than nine shots and even with five shots this guy got out of the house.
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>> he got out. >> sean: he's in the hospital, but go ahead. >> if she didn't have that weapon, who knows what would have-- >> what would have happened? >> right, exactly. >> with that, sean, i'll be honest with you, someone you know i got a gun permit for, i'm he not saying who, couldn't hit the target i said you're not going to get this back until you know what the heck you're doing. i'm not for people buying guns just to buy guns. there should be, they have to train and qualify. >> sean: i agree, i was trained at 11 years old. i'm a pistol marksman, don't shoot as often as you. i wasn't allowed to touch the gun on the first lesson. it's literally stood pointed down range at a gun range, for the lesson. come back next time we'll go over it again and you can fire. >> you do agree. the last time i opened up my mouth on one of the shows about the big clips and all that, the n.r.a. guys came at me and wanted to hang me, but my whole opinion is, i believe
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that people that carry a firearm should be fully qualified to use it. >> sean: all right. guys, good to see you and thanks for your work. >> thanks, sean. >> sean: thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> sean: when we come back ann coulter is in the building tonight she'll join us, colin powell makes comments, a dark vein is running through the party, he voted for obama and you'll hear his outrageous comments coming up next. change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. with thermacare heatwraps.
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>> welcome back to "hannity." now, while former secretary of state colin powell still claiming to be a republican, never know it by his latest comments. just yesterday said the g.o.p. is intolerant and essentially racist. listen to this. >> i think the republican party right now is having an
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identity problem and i'm still a republican. there's also a dark, a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. what do i mean by that? what i mean by that is they still sort of look down on minorities. >> sean: and if that isn't proof enough he may be at odds with his party. the former secretary of state gave president obama and his administration a complete pass on the handling of the benghazi attack, surprising, listen to this. >> this one incident one of these things that those of us in government have been through many, many times, where suddenly an action happens late at night, you're surprised. somebody gets killed. something gets blown up and then the after-action reports start and everybody wants to know who is is at fault. who is responsible, why didn't keep this from happening. we can't keep everything from happening. benghazi was a very, very difficult one in a difficult situation and maybe they
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shouldn't have been there in the first place. and i think that we have had a good review of that. >> sean: and here with reaction, tea and democratic strategist, michael brown, welcome to he both of you. nigel, start with you. they still sort of look down on minorities, broad sweeping generally ration, a dark vein of intolerance. i heard these, i'm very disappointed because he's been an american hero. he's sacrificed a lot for his country. i almost-- he votes for obama twice. i don't know how anybody that identifies himself as a conservative can say that they're still a republican and vote for obama? >> most liberal president we've had, you know, modern history. what's your reaction to this? >> well, i'm also greatly saddened. i've been a supporter, my father, roy ennis and i, our organization have been great boosters and supporters of general powell in the past, and he is an american hero, and we've been proud of him in
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the past and we're not proud of him in this occasion, and i think that clearly general powell is out of the mainstream with the republican party and unfortunately, i mean, look, you can have a different point of view and a different point of view and still be in the same party, but to inject the race card, which by the way, he's been a victim of in the past. >> sean: that's true. >> he's been called, he's been called a house negro by harry belafonte because he worked for the administration. for general powell to inject the same type of race card into a needed discussion that needs to be had within the republican party is most unfortunate and saddens me greatly because he is a decent american, an american hero. >> sean: michael, i'll ask you if in fact, general powell were here i'd ask him directly and interviewed him many times, a good relationship with him. i like him. i'm very disappointed. i'll ask you, can you give me a specific example of a dark vein of intolerance, by
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specific by republicans? can you name names? i don't know who he's talking about. >> i don't know if i know your party well enough to name names, but i will say one thing, i think you guys are devastated by the person you always put out as the republican, as one of the faces of your party. that's basically speaking the truth. facts are facts. >> sean: give me an example. that's what i want, an example. >> your party. >> sean: give me an example. >> has not exactly been the best outreach to minorities, gay and lesbian community. >> sean: that's not what he said. >> what he is saying is you are a party of one type of person. >> sean: but he worked for ronald reagan-- >> and why when you try to run on these national offices you get defeated. moreover. >> sean: hang on a second. >> moreover, president obama got 39% of the white vote. it wasn't that he just won because of minorities. >> sean: michael, the democratic party, it was joe biden that said we're going to put you all back in chains. it was al gore that said
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republicans don't want to count black people in the census before the predomina predominantly black audience and the james byrd ad. if he wanted to be equally as critical, i can't get a direct answer. who are the people, name names and identify what they said and if in fact they are what owe sa he says they are, racism is repugnant. >> it is, and a good friend of ours said if everything is racism, nothing is racism and that's the most unfortunate thing of that phenomenon. i call it it the sharptonization of american politics where you have people that use the race card as a political weapon of mass destruction. and look it, there 's an intolerance in politics, there's an intolerance within the elite circles of new york, within the beltway, republican and democrat, by the way, an
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intolerance for constitutional conservatives that believe in limited government. >> yeah. >> that believe in low taxes and you times call racist-- >> until you open up your tent you're going to have these problems within the republican party. >> talk the tent of marco rubio being open, michael. >> you're naming, one, two, or five people. you need to have millions of people not just five. >> we will have millions of people. >> you haven't had recently. >> sean: he did vote for the most liberal agenda in the history of the country, maybe his politics have changed, maybe he's trying to stay relevant. >> or maybe he's trying to improve the party. >> sean: maybe he should give specific examples. >> that's what i would ask him. >> sean: and if republicans are wrong in instances admit it and move on. i think that's fair. food to see you. ann coulter is straight ahead and then he we sent two former navy steals to see "zero dark thirty," and they set the record straight on the capture
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of bin laden and enhanced interrogation techniques and you'll have that debate. log on to our special companion site hannity live and follow the loive show. go to hannitylive we'll continue, ann coulter is next. [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99!
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while he along with many on the left may be confused why the republicans are raise i concerns with all four nominees, we here on the program are not. i want to clear this up for bob shiv shiver. and describing terrorism this way, using a legitimate trm term jihad, r they desperately seek. legitimate jihad. and john kerry, i vote for it before i voted against it. he wants to accuse our brave u.s. troops of the following. >> they personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped
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wires from portable telephones to human genitals and cut off the power. cut up bodies, blown off limbs, randomly shot-- i did a similar thing in the iraq war. and chuck hagel and rocky past on iran, no wonder this is questioned. july 2001 voted against extending sanctions on the country and 2007 voted against calling the iranian revolutionary guard a terrorist group. july 2008 recommended establishing a u.s. diplomatic mission in tehran and in his book suggested the u.s. could live with a nuclear iran and last but not least, the nominee for treasury secretary jack lew, mr. john hancock himself who falsely claimed the obama budget would not add to the debt. listen. >> senator, i think it's an accurate statement that our current spending will not be
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increasing the debt. >> joining me now with her own opinions on these nominees, ann coulter. how are you. >> the flu epidemic, no handshaking. >> sean: so to me, jihad was legitimate and a guy who can't say the iranian revolutionary guard is a terror group. >> right. >> sean: or hezbollah. i just read it, what's your reaction? >> right, well, this is an old liberal trick, like a scorched earth policy to argumenttation, they retreat an argument, burning the english language as we go. we can't call it jihadists, can't call it a war on terrorism. tell us what to call it and we'll have the debate. but of course, as i'm sure you've guessed, my principal objection to this list of nominees, they're all white men, sean hannity and the lack of diversity shocks, shocks. >> sean: what happened to diversity, this is an outrage. as a matter of fact, maybe he needs a book of binders,
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thoughts? >> and borrow mitt romney's. >> sean: borrow mitt romney's book of binders. >> as you know, i got back from england and they have not bought into this whole diversity enthusiasm which raises the important point that on the gun crimes we keep hearing, hello, they are in europe and so low and have no guns. if you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as belgium. perhaps it's not a-- maybe it'sic, or the guy who shot up fort hood. >> sean: hassan is fort hood. and this was on drudge, i couldn't believe it breaking a short time ago, 19 obama executive orders. what happens if he tries to bypass congress on the second amendment and bypass congress on article 1, section 7 and use the 14th amendment. >> on guns? >> on guns and the debt
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ceiling. if he, imperial president threads the constitution? >> on guns, he wouldn't do that and-- >> biden said may be as many as 19 executive orders. >> i think i think for guns they try to do it on ammunition and-- >> clips? >> i think we shouldn't, should respond with the next republican president, we won't ban abortions, but ban abortionists and abortion clinics. how would that be? they're not serious about doing anything about shooting in america, dianne feinstein has a concealed carry permit for good reason. >> sean: you saw i played the clip of her. >> we heard her on radio today and i support her, she's in danger and other women's, and women like herself, the fastest group of gun owners are single women. what are women supposed to do who are in danger and the business that new york is pushing through about banning these--
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the extra capacity magazine. >> sean: seven bullets. >> and of all solutions this has nothing to do with the problem we're supposed to be addressing. if you're going into a gun-free zone as all of the mass shooters do, all, but one have shoot up gun-free zones, you have time to drop the magazine and insert another one. time and prepares to have more than one gun. only if you're the victim of a home invasion as the woman in georgia was last week, she and her children-- she sees a man out the window, runs to the top floor and hides in a closet. and the woman opens the door. >> sean: in the crawl space, she hid in the crawl space and the guy found her. >> she shot with six bullets in the gun and she shot all six, only five hit the intruder, which is very good when you're a panicked woman protecting your children and probably not constantly down at the gun range. she hits him in the face and neck five times and yet not only lived, he lives to flee in a car. what if there had been two
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intruders, what if she had not been as good a shot and only three bullets hit the intruder? it's when you have a home invasion that you need a large capacity magazine, especially if you're a female who isn't constantly at the gun range. >> sean: very well said. i think that's probably the strongest argument miss coulter i've heard about the clip argument and bullet argument. what do you do in new york, arrest people that use eight bullets in a home invasion? >> and they're not arresting david gregory. like all other obama rules, the gun rules do not apply to dianne feinstein and david gregory. when colin ferguson shot up, he stopped and reloaded, it doesn't stop a multiple victim public shooter, you can bring lots of guns. by the way, they're law breakers and might have an extra magazine capacity on them. and it's the person at home
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who needs the extra capacity magazine. >> sean: i've got to run. we have a special investigative report i can't tell you about now, coming up later this week on hannity. and next, we have two former navy seals and sent them to see "zero dark thirty," their reaction to what liberals claim is a fallacy that enhanced interrogation in fact led to bin laden. they're going to set the record straight on "zero dark thirty" and a rich rapper who happens to have 11 kids, ten different mothers and we brought you this insane story last week. the soon to be reality star says he knows how he ended up fathering nearly a dozen kids. you will not believe his answer. you have to hear it to believe it coming up straight ahead. breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily
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kids make stains i ustide boost to super charge our detergent. boom. clothes look amazing, and daddy's a hero. daddy, can we play ponies? right after we do foldies. tide boost imy tide. what's yours? >> right now the number one movie in america, "zero dark thirty," about the hunt for osama bin laden, snubbed by the liberal left, calling for movie goers to boycott the movie. against the scene depicting
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enhanced interrogation techniques that ultimately did lead to bin laden's capture and outraged liberals says the tactics have nothing to do with finding the terrorist. if you don't believe hollywood, how about the guy who set up and witnessed enhanced interrogation and what he said on this very show, what he saw with his own eyes. >> you don't think that we would have gotten without the techniques leading to the intelligence. >> well, the reason why, because there's a clear trail. there was someone that we captured. a facilitator that we captured in 2004 that told us about bin laden's courier and gave us a pseudonym. >> sean: and that led to bin laden? >> and eventually we got the true name of him. >> sean: but without the techniques, the things he opposed wouldn't have allowed him to make that decision, is that a fair statement? >> that's a fair statement. >> sean: two navy seals who watched the movie are here to
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set the record street. joining me is the authors, a seal team six. thanks for seeing the movie. howard, you heard, this is a guy that set up, organized, witnessed enhanced interrogation. no enhanced interrogation bin laden, liberals are going nuts, it's inaccurate? >> i spoke to mr. rodriguez and i know he's telling the truth. my other reaction is, watching the movie, after watching the movie for about 30 minutes you realize that this is an effective technique. you realize that the cia operatives, tier one guys are doing a great job and in the background it shows the president of the united states saying that we need to achieve some type of moral morality, we need to get our morality, moral superiority and i'm sitting there and literally got sick to my stomach, sean. here is the thing, how effective do you want us to be. mr. president, how effective do you want us to be. good enough to be 50%? because i can tell you this,
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if you tell the terrorists that whenever you plot against america, endanger american lives, conspire, you will get to a cell, we will use whatever techniques necessary to make you uncomfortable, to get the information, instead of hey, we need to get some morality back, and give you an attorney when you get here. i thought that was disgusting and my hat's off to miss katherine bigelow for portraying that accurately. >> sean: brandon, i want your reaction. you saw the movie. i guess the important question i have, what is it about liberals? here is a guy that organized, administered, got the information, is telling america the truth, and is it their egos are so precious, they can't acknowledge what they said about george w. bush, enhanced interrogation? barack obama was wrong and bush was right his claim to fame wouldn't have happened, if bush didn't have the the insight, is it ego?
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>> to support what howard says, any means necessary, i support those interrogation techniques. if we can use those techniques against bad people that want to do bad things to americans and you know, hell, i'll hold them down myself. i mean, it saves lives. it's one of many pieces of kit in a toolbox and regardless of whether or not you want to face up to reality and realize that you do have to use extreme measures against these terrorists, it just has to be done, and thank goodness, good people are willing to do some dirty work. >> sean: but we also have to put some perspective on it, howard, and this three people gotten ha gotten-- got enhanced interrogation, which led to the courier, and to bin laden. i give him credit for, and liberals seem not to be able to hear that, which seems to
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be connected to this reaction to the movie. >> sean, we have a very short memory as americans. if this was the months directly after 9/11, nobody would have a problem with interrogation, nobody would have a problem with it. let me bring us forward. what if i could tell you there's a cell of people in the united states of america that are targeting our schools, that are going to be doing school shootings? and i realize this hurts because we had another tragedy, but let's bring that forward. if i was able to use some type of interrogation, and give us free rein, we'll go out and interrogate people and by god, we'll find out what's going on, how many people and parents in the united states of america, left, right or center wouldn't say yes, by all means do it. >> sean: and if somebody had their son or daughter kidnapped i think they'd do the same thing. brandon, last question, what do you make of the golden globes, the foreign press and ben affleck and then a little
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bit of a snub by some of the movies by the academy of motion pictures, whatever they call themselves, oscars? >> yeah, i mean, it is what it is. i don't put much faith in any of the opinions of the people you listed, so, i have my own opinions and i've heard from-- i didn't think "zero dark thirty" did a great job portraying the military at the end, but that's another conversation. >> sean: all right, guys, thank you both for being with us, appreciate it. coming up next we'll follow-up on a story we brought to you last week, the star behind the questionable new oxygen show "all my babies' mamas", explains how he ended up with so many women and therefore so many children and successful drug dealing business is behind it all. is this the state of the culture, can't we figure out better ways to fill our air time? we'll debate it next. that's double miles you can actually use. tragically, their ddy got sacked by blackouts.
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>> and time we want to shine the spotlight on a story that very much signals a shift taking place in the american value system. you may recall our initial report about the controversial new reality show "all my babies' mamas" it's on the oxygen network. the program featured atlanta based rapper shawty lo. highlights how he has 11
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children with ten different women. now because of the backlash, shawty lo is now defending himself and in an exclusive interview with mtv i came to be one of the largest drug dealers from atlanta, bankhead-- it's really buckhead, i live there. when the money came, a lot of women came and wouldn't have an abortion and they had the baby by the most popular guy on the street and that's how i had kids, all of them and now he's blaming drugs for not being able to what, keep his pants on? time to save america from this. and rusty humphreys and alexis johnson from the american values institute. with the american value institute. i think we've gotten women, 11 kids, and we've got a guy that's an admitted drug dealer. tell me what's wrong with this
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picture? >> i think that's wrong is oxygen under this and oprah trying to target young african-americans that are outrageous and offensive and i find the programming racist and hold them accountable. >> sean: do you think it's racist. >> absolutely. >> sean: why do you think it's racist? >> people are trying to reinforce really negative stereotypes about african-americans. >> sean: i mean, jeri springer has people of all races on. >> it's dehumanizing. >> sean: i agree with that. now what it is? you've just got to find something better for programming. i mean, they have all the right to run anything they want, people can watch what they want, but we can't do better than this, rusty? >> it's absolutely shameful. i was born in georgia, i lived in atlanta, you lived in atlanta. >> sean: it's not bankhead, it's buckhead. >> it's not just embarrassing as a georgian or an atlantaen,
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as a man. being glorified-- >> he's going to make a living off of this. why do we anticipate that he's not going to end up being p-diddy in the end and maybe i'm guessing his career isn't going to go so well. who is going to end up supporting all of these kids and women? >> i used to work for sean combs and i know a little about p-diddy. he had a skill set. he was the-- >> a brilliant entrepreneur. >> exactly. i think what's happening here is we are in fact creating dehumanizing stereotypes and the problem is we don't have enough representation across the board. we're not seeing reality shows, black middle class. and the shows with-- >> it's a promo clip of the show. this now, i guess, is the decline of the culture. watch this. >> so you guys, he might be known as a rapper, here in atlanta he's known for having


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